Future Protein NL magazine

Nederland is koploper als het gaat om alternatieve eiwitten produceren, verwerken en consumeren. Steeds meer bedrijven van groot tot start-up, kennisinstellingen, overheden, ngo’s zetten zich gezamenlijk in om invulling te geven aan de eiwittransitie; waar het gaat over een meer plantaardig dieet, duurzame landbouw en verwerking.

Lekker Lupine is als start-up super trots om deel uit te maken van dit ecosysteem, waar volop innovaties plaatsvinden, nieuwe samenwerkingen tot stand komen met vooral ook heel veel positieve energie en niet te vergeten: lekker en duurzaam eten!

Lees alles over dit ecosysteem en de wereld van plantaardige eiwitten in het magazine Future Protein NL. Met meer dan 40 exclusieve interviews met vooraanstaande ondernemers en organisaties als Jaap Korteweg, founder van de Vegetarische Slager en Those Vegan Cowboys, Phycom, de Nieuwe Melkboer, Jeroen Willemsen en Evi Vet. Enn.. op pagina 105 ook info over Green Food 50 - Green Organics en Lekker Lupine.

Read this Future Protein NL magazine!
See also East Netherlands Development Agency: Oost NL - The magazine features over forty exclusive interviews with leading entrepreneurs and organizations. ‘Future Protein NL’ aims to inspire and inform you about what is going on the Netherlands in the field of alternative proteins.

The Netherlands has a highly developed and competitive agri-food sector with over 150 years of experience in the production of proteins. Over 250 companies in the Netherlands are working on the protein shift; delivering solutions with global impact.

Guido Landheer, Director of European, International and Agro-Economic Policy at the Ministry of Agriculture, “The Netherlands is one of the world’s go-to alternative protein hubs. We are in a transition towards a better balance between animal-based and plant-based proteins. Innovations are born here and translated into practical products. We have a strong focus on collaboration and partnerships.”

In order to meet with environmental and societal needs, alternative protein sources need to be developed next to animal-based meat, dairy, fish, and eggs. The Netherlands is a global frontrunner in the alternative protein sector, an expert in the field of agri-food, sustainability and knowledge sharing. The online magazine outlines the Dutch ecosystem of alternative proteins, focusing on trade and international ambitions, innovations, and foreign direct investments.

More information?
see page 2 - Netherlands Enterpise Agency RVO - Foodvalley NL - Oost NL - Topsector Agri& Food - Netherlands Investment Agency




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